January 7, 2015


“… Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

As the holiday season has come to a close and life resumes a normal pace, I am reminded of the fact that after the birth of Jesus the story continues.  Actually, the story has no beginning and will have no end, for you see, the Christmas narrative is but one account in a greater story… the story of God.

Thankfully, the Bible recounts part of His story.  Yes, the bible tells of cosmic battle between God and Satan (Eph. 6:12).  Yes, it speaks of evil and that which is aligned against God.  It speaks of men and woman of old and exposes the sinful nature of mankind.  Moreover, Scripture instructs and advises those who adhere to its declarations.  Although all this is true, the Bible is not a book about these things… you see the Bible is a book about God.  The scripture speaks of many things but each event or each individual is playing a part in a bigger story… GOD’S STORY.

The Bible is a book about God!  The Biblical story speaks of a God who loves and who disciplines.  It speaks of a creator and sustainer.  It speaks of a God who establishes order, who rules, and directs.  It speaks of a cross and of a Savior.  It speaks of the defeat of Satan who stands judged because he put Christ to death (Col. 2:15).  It speaks of a coming kingdom and God who reigns in power and glory.

When we focus on ourselves we lose sight of the bigger picture.  When we focus on one aspect of the Bible we are blind.  When we focus on the here and now, we lose sight of the cosmic picture in which the real story is not the battle, but the eternal, almighty God!

The Bible speaks of a God who was, who is, and who will forever be.  If we view the Bible, creation, and all that is, as part of God’s story, then we as individual Christian and the church as a whole will be transformed into the powerhouse it is meant to be.