What exactly does this mean? How can adults, who have moved past childish thinking, return to this state? Is a mature adult to act like immature children when it comes to spiritual matters? Must a fully-grown man or women disregard adult thinking in order to receive the kingdom of God?
The simple answer to these questions can be summed up in an excerpt the from a Jars of Clay song, “… they say that faith can find a Saviour, if you would follow and believe, with faith like a child.”
The important term in this phrase is ‘like.’ One is not to regress and become a child. Rather, a creature is to stand in awe and come simply with faith before its Creator. Too often, an individual relies on his or her knowledge and skill. It is a regular occurrence for an adult to think highly of themselves.
As Christians, each one of us must lay aside the arrogance of adulthood as well as predisposition to pride and simple, humbly approach our Savior. For when we do this, we gain an understanding of the mysteries of the gospel. When we come into the presence of the Almighty God with a child-like faith we appreciate the unmerited favor given to us by the loving God of all creation.
The other day I was given a picture which my daughter Lydia drew. In it, I saw this kind faith… an unassuming confidence in a living God. When I looked at it, I thought, “she gets it… she gets what we are doing here … she gets her Savior.”
So, it is my prayer that each one of us is able to learn how to be a child again.