January 31, 2008
Our Little Missionary Girl...
Tara and I have been so blessed to watch our four-year-old little girl become an instrument in our Savior’s hand. In an earlier post, Tara told a story of Lydia braving the heat, the mosquitoes, and the language/culture barriers to hand out gospel tracts. Lydia said, "Even though I can't speak Portuguese, I can still tell people about Jesus." United States to come to Brazil . We, the Gilpin family, have been blessed to be called to bring the greatest gift in history to lost peoples. At times it is easy to feel sorry for ourselves and to allow the difficulties of living in foreign country to cause us to fall into Satan’s traps. However, the words of our little girl sent a clear message to us that God desires that all may know the good news. We hope that we never forget that we our no longer our own. For Christ’s death on the cross released these pitiful sinners from our prison cell of sin. Whether, we live in Brazil or in the United States a four year old little girl has shown us again the love of our Savior.